Space Saving Medical Power Supply
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The perfect storm of the recent COVID-19 pandemic, an ageing population and technological advancements have made it much easier for medical device manufacturers to allow caregivers and receivers to connect, communicate and interact on a whole new level, the so-called ‘hospital at home’. According to recent research by Business Research Insights, the global market for home medical equipment will double by 2032 to over $75 billion, with a CAGR of over 7%.
This shift from conventional hospitals will facilitate more comprehensive care and monitoring for those with chronic and less severe conditions. It will allow family members to participate more readily in treatment via local and internet connectivity. However, the American ECRI recently named this advancement a ‘pressing safety hazard’ and stated that there were ‘numerous examples of patient harm.’
In recognition of this development and of the fact that devices for the home will generally be more compact and consume less power, REO has expanded its range of medical isolation transformers to include a space-saving device which can be used to provide an important safety function, but in a form that is easier and more aesthetically sympathetic to home use.
The REOMED 100 provides an isolated supply, rated for 100VA that conforms to relevant sections of the medical device standard EN60601, ensuring that leakage current and isolation levels ensure patient safety.
As standard the unit can accept a mains supply rated for 230 V, a 120 V version is available, and can be supplied with relevant connections to allow safe and repeatable connection to the medical device and incoming mains.
The REOMED 100 has resettable circuit breakers in each line, a requirement of EN60601, and is designed to go under a desk, much like a conventional laptop charger
It has protection against moisture and dirt ingress to IP42, which provides additional safety for the home environment.
This unit expands REO’s standard REOMED range of devices and fills an essential gap in the home medical environment, providing safety and electrical isolation where it’s needed most.
If you would like to view other REO medical isolation transformers please visit